Residents of a Suffolk district are being invited to give their views on improvements planned for children's play areas.

East Suffolk Council would like to hear from 'as many people as possible' about how they use the council's 60 play areas and what equipment they would like to see should they be redeveloped.

Currently, views are being sought on play areas in Beccles, Felixstowe, Kesgrave, Trimley St Mary and Wrentham.

READ MORE: Felixstowe: Play area at Langer Park to be refurbished

Other consultations will take place on other areas in due course.

Cllr Sarah Whitelock, East Suffolk’s cabinet member for communities, leisure and tourism, said: “Play is essential in our children’s development and we are committed to providing high-quality modern play spaces across the district which allow children of all ages and abilities to play together.

"We would like to hear from as many people as possible about how they use these play areas and what equipment they would like to see should they be redeveloped.”

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In 2022, the council commissioned Knight, Kavanagh and Paige Ltd to carry out an independent evaluation on the council-owned play areas, looking at how the spaces were used, the type of equipment present and where improvements could be made.

This evaluation formed the basis of the Council’s Play Strategy 2023 – 2027, an in-depth study of current play provision.

The strategy makes a series of recommendations and identifies play areas which could be upgraded and redeveloped to provide modern, high-quality play equipment for local families to enjoy.

READ MORE: Felixstowe news

As part of this work, the council has already upgraded play spaces at Beccles Common, Matlock Dale in Carlton Colville and Langer Park in Felixstowe.

A small number of areas are also identified as being no longer suitable for modern play equipment and recommended for removal as there are other more suitable play areas nearby.

To comment on the recommendations, visit

READ MORE: Suffolk news