An estimated £1m worth of cannabis was discovered in Ipswich town centre, a court has heard. 

Six men appeared at Ipswich Magistrates  Court today on Monday charged with the production of cannabis. 

The magistrates heard the contents inside of the building in Arcade Street was estimated at a street value of around £1million.

Appearing at Ipswich Magistrates Court were: Sander Paloka, 36; Kristian Kaza, 28; Florent Tukaj, 25; Dorjan Gjorka, 28; Anxhelo Preci, 28, and Kristian Lleshi, 28.

All six are of no fixed abode, but local to the Ipswich area.

They are each charged with the production of cannabis in contravention of section 4(1) of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971.

They are accused of having been involved in the ‘cannabis factory’ from October 1 last year until last Friday.

Ipswich Star: Suffolk Police discovered hundreds of cannabis plants hanging out to dry.Suffolk Police discovered hundreds of cannabis plants hanging out to dry. (Image: Suffolk police)

Ipswich Star: The former Distinction nightclub in Arcade Street, now derelict, where the cannabis factory was found. The former Distinction nightclub in Arcade Street, now derelict, where the cannabis factory was found. (Image: Newsquest)

Paloka, who chose not to be represented, pleaded guilty to this offence.

Preci, Gjorka, Kaza and Tukaj and Lleshi did not enter a plea.

The presiding magistrates agreed that the seriousness of these offences must be dealt with by Ipswich Crown Court.

All six men were remanded in custody until a full trial can take place later this year.