A couple from Chelmondiston spent more than £200,000 intended for the care of their adult disabled son on funding a "lavish" lifestyle for themselves, it has been alleged.

Rebecca and Simon Toloui owned an expensive house, an expensive car, and a foreign property as well as designer goods including handbags and items in their home.

Their alleged "lavish" lifestyle also included a number of expensive holidays as well as Rebecca Toloui paying £13,000 for private surgery, said Arthur Kendrick, prosecuting.

He also claimed that when their son moved into his own accommodation they spent the bare minimum on furnishings but claimed they had spent £10,000.

They had also allegedly arranged a lower level of care for their son than he required and had pocketed the difference, said Mr Kendrick.

He said that Simon Toloui was the victim’s father and Rebecca Toloui was his stepmother.

He said the victim had a severe form of autism, had learning difficulties and was non-verbal.

He was unable to live independently and required round-the-clock care by two carers.

Mr Kendrick said it wasn’t disputed by the couple that money for the victim’s care was paid to them at their request and the issue was whether they had dishonestly abused their position.

“They say it was spent directly or indirectly for his benefit and they didn’t misuse it,” said Mr Kendrick.

Simon Toloui, 67 and Rebecca Toloui, 54, of Main Road, Chelmondiston have both denied a charge of fraud by abuse of position.

The offence is alleged to have taken place between June 28, 2015, and March 1, 2019.

It is alleged that a number of payments the couple received from Suffolk Independent Living, a direct payment support service operated by Suffolk County Council, were not used as intended for the care of their disabled son.

The trial, which is expected to last several weeks, continues.