An Ipswich student accused of attempting to rape two young women in late night attacks in the town a year apart was released on bail after being arrested in relation to the first alleged attack, a court has heard.

Twenty-four-year-old Adiley Pires was arrested shortly after the first alleged attack on an 18-year-old girl in a courtyard near The Foundry Mill flats at Ipswich Waterfront in October 2021.

He gave police a prepared statement denying any involvement in the attack and claimed it was a case of mistaken identity.

Pires was then released on conditional bail after the Crown Prosecution Service decided not to charge him, Ipswich Crown Court heard.

His bail conditions included a night-time curfew between 7pm and 6am but 14 months later in December last year he was arrested again following another alleged night-time sex attack on a teenager on a towpath near Tower Mill Road, Ipswich.

Pires gave police another prepared statement in which he denied attacking the woman or being near the scene of the attack.

Pires, of Kensington Road, Ipswich, has denied one charge of attempted rape and two charges of sexual assault in relation to the first alleged victim in October 2021.

He has also denied one offence of attempted rape and an offence of sexual assault in relation to the second alleged victim on December 8, 2022 .

Pires, who is accused of being a “sexual predator”, allegedly followed the first alleged victim as she left Unit 17 nightclub in Cardinal Park in October 2021.

CCTV footage shown to the jury showed Pires, who was wearing a face mask, following her along the Waterfront before sexually assaulting her near the Foundry Mill flats.

In December last year a 17-year-old girl was followed by Pires as she walked alone along a towpath near Tower Mill Road after a night out in Ipswich.

He was allegedly wearing a balaclava when he grabbed her and took her to the ground.

Pires allegedly got on top of her and put his hand over her mouth to stop her screaming and tried to pull down her leggings.

She tried to kick him off and he had run off after residents shouted at him.

The court has been told that Pires admits assaulting the women but denies having a sexual motive.

The trial continues.