A Martlesham woman has shared her frustration after she discovered another incident of suspected fly-tipping in an area she said is notorious for dumping. 

Charlotte Ingham discovered a pair of appliances, which appear to be fridge freezers, off Waldringfield Road on the edge of the village. 

She said they had been hidden behind a hedgerow next to a public footpath meaning they could not be seen by passing drivers. 

Ipswich Star: The fridge freezers found by Charlotte InghamThe fridge freezers found by Charlotte Ingham (Image: Charlotte Ingham)

Ms Ingham said: "It makes me angry as the Foxhall site is less than 10 minutes away.

"We've had several incidents of fly tipping in this area. There's been two times at the entrance of Mill Lane just down the road, they just dump it on the farmer's field.

"I even found an address in one pile of rubbish and I did pass it on to the council but I don't know if they followed it up.

"We've also had it dumped over the fence of our own woods near Martlesham Boatyard." 

Ipswich Star: She said they were hidden behind a hedgerow and could not be seen from the roadShe said they were hidden behind a hedgerow and could not be seen from the road (Image: Charlotte Ingham)

She said she has reported this latest incident to the council.

In October last year, a sink, toilet and other items were left dumped illegally on land off Snape Road in Tunstall, near Woodbridge.

And in August this year, Great Glemham residents were left angered after swathes of garden rubbish were left dumped at the side of a road. 

The law says, those who drop litter - including from a vehicle - can be issued an 'on the spot' Fixed Penalty Notice of £80. You could also be prosecuted in court and fined up to £2,500.

Members of the public that come across flytipping should make a note of the date and time they saw the tipping, its location and take photographic evidence if it is safe to do so to send to their local council.

If an incident is in progress, members of the public are asked to call 999 to report it.