Suspected arsonists have struck an award-winning Suffolk tipi hire business - causing tens of thousands of pounds worth of damage.

Events Under Canvas hit a high last week as it scooped the Growth Business of the Year at this paper's Suffolk Business Awards.

This week it was counting the cost after arsonists set fire to four of its tipis on Sunday, October 8, at about 6.20pm. 

They had been put up in a farmer's field next to its premises off the A12 in Capel St Mary, south of Ipswich, in readiness for a weddings and events showcase which the company holds every spring and autumn so that potential customers can see what the tipis would look like at their event.

Ipswich Star:

Owner Jenna Ackerley said they were determined that the showcase event - planned for this weekend (October 14/15) - would go ahead in spite of the major setback they have suffered. She and the team were "sad" and "frustrated" by the incident, she added.

"It's a lot of work - which is upsetting and frustrating," she said. "It's a blow - but I'm glad it's Monday and not Friday."

Hundreds of clients and prospective clients are due to attend - along with a host of suppliers.

Staff at the business turned up this morning (Monday, October 9) to find their display of tents - put up by a team of eight - had been destroyed by fire. Ms Ackerley said they appeard to have been doused in petrol. A forensics team examined the site today.

Ipswich Star:

"It's a bit heart-breaking when all the work has gone into something. But I'm glad it's our showcase rather than someone's wedding," she said.

"Everyone is just trying to do the right thing."

Within hours of the discovery, she and her team were already making plans to turn things around in an exceedingly tight timeframe so their event could go ahead.

"We are putting a lot of security in now. We'll have to take all the damaged stuff down and rebuild it. Thankfully it's low season for us," she said.

Ipswich Star:

"I think because of our skill we will be OK. It's all fine. We have got great suppliers. Our insurance is brilliant - they'll look after us and support us."

The tipis are flame-retardant but CCTV showed fire developing quickly, said Ms Ackerley. The fire went out on its own, she added. "It's quite a lot of damage."

The company caters for about 20 weddings and events a week. It employs 18 staff year-round, and its seasonal workforce peaks at about 60. 

The showcase is a "special" event, said Ms Ackerley.  "Lots of wedding suppliers will come. We have got have about 30 wedding suppliers coming along."

Ipswich Star:

The team has sprung into action with a plan and beefed up security, she said. Police and fire officers were in attendance today.

"We have massively increased the security in that field," said Ms Ackerley. "It's frustrating, it's sad. Your brain goes to who would do this who would want to do this?"

But the business is determined to press ahead with the plans.

"We are not going to let this get us down, " she said.

Ipswich Star:

"We will be taking all the damaged tents down tomorrow and rebuilding everything Wednesday with plenty of security and cameras ready for all our lovely customers and suppliers to join us for a good weekend.

"It’s really sad and frustrating that some people are so full of hatred and bitterness that they think this is OK to destroy people's hard work, but we will not let it affect our weekend."

A spokesman for Suffolk police said they were treating the damage as a suspected arson. The fire started soon after 6pm last night and was burnt out at 2am.

Ipswich Star:

"We are investigating it and attending the scene this morning," he said. It was understood that four tipis were set alight but the incident was not reported until 9.30am today, he added.

A Suffolk County Council/Fire department spokeswoman said: "An officer attended this morning to reports of a fire that had occurred overnight. The incident has been handed over to the police and owners and will be monitoring fires in that area.

"The owner was signposted to Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service for Prevention advice."