A fresh application has been made for a Nacton building previously approved to become two new homes. 

Approval was given back in December 2020 to change Weardale in Mill Piece, Nacton, into two homes. 

Permission has now been sought from East Suffolk Council to create a spacious four-bedroom home instead. 

A design and access statement prepared by the Ipswich-based DWA Urban Design Limited was submitted to the council. 

It described Mill Piece as “a cul-de-sac comprising a variety of large, detached dwellings generally set within generous plots of land”. 

It said that building works to create the two new homes had already been started, before the current application for a single four-bedroom house was submitted. 

While the original Weardale building was “a single-storey dwelling in buff brick with concrete pitched tiled roof originally designed & built in the late 50s early 60s”, these latest plans are for a two-storey, detached home. 

The design and access statement said that a total of six car parking spaces will be provided. 

The application was validated by the council on September 8, and has been given a determination deadline of November 3.