An application has been made to replace the ceiling of Old Post Office building on Ipswich Cornhill, which now houses The Botanist.

Ipswich Borough Council has submitted a planning application for the building, in the town centre, to replace the ceiling that has been removed with a new lathe and plaster ceiling.

The repairs will involve replacing the ceiling of the floors above the restaurant like for like to original construction, as it is a historic feature of the Grade II listed building.

A damaged timber beam will also be repaired, if the application is approved.

There are also plans to install one layer of fire rated plasterboard over the top of the new ceiling, for fire safety.

A council building officer visited the restaurant to run through the proposal in May.

According to planning application documents, the works will be carried out carefully to ensure surrounding materials are not damaged in the process.

The listed building opened for the first time as a post office on July 27, 1881, the same day as the museum and the new docks entrance.