The Azpects warehouse in White House Road will soon be torn down and replaced. 

Ipswich Borough Council has given its blessing for the existing warehouse building at 32 White House Road to be demolished, and for a new warehouse complete with office space to be built in its place. 

Azpects was founded in Ipswich in 2009. The company develops and manufactures outdoor hard-landscaping products.  

“The site on Whitehouse Road offers the perfect location to expand and create a new sustainable building which will meet their needs into the future,” explained a design and access statement prepared by the Hadleigh-based Wincer Kievenaar Architects.

The statement said that Azpects currently employs 33 operatives, eight of whom work within the workhouse. 

With the company currently being split between various buildings, the new building would enable all staff to work together under one roof. However, it is not currently expected that the workforce will increase as a result of the expansion. 

The new building will be formed of a two-storey office space facing White House Road, with a taller storage and distribution warehouse to the rear. 

Ipswich Borough Council gave its approval for these plans to go ahead on September 1. 

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