Six red phone boxes around the county are going up for grabs for just £1, but we've asked communities across Suffolk what they've turned the iconic kiosk into. 

Ahead of the phone box's 100th birthday, BT has urged communities to buy one of the available boxes and use it to better their areas. 

These phone boxes are situated in Bury St Edmunds, Ipswich, Kirton, HundonBildeston and Parham.

Since BT introduced its Adopt a Kiosk scheme in 2008, more than 230 phone boxes have been taken on by communities across Suffolk for just £1 each.

Parish councils and communities in Suffolk are already using theirs as information centres, art galleries and sensory booths.

Ipswich Star: The inside of the Aromaphone in UffordThe inside of the Aromaphone in Ufford (Image: Contributed)

In Ufford, the parish council bought their box for £1 in May 2009 after artist Jane Cochrane suggested the council bought it the turn into a book exchange.

After working on the phone box, she said: "It has been very successful and often I see people stopping to look or bring a donation.

"It is used as a library but twice over the years, we have used the phone box as the world's smallest art gallery and as an Aromaphone, filled with sensory items.

"I love seeing it used, they are such an iconic part of the street furniture and it's a shame to see them unloved."

Ipswich Star: The Ufford phone box when it was used as the World's smallest community art galleryThe Ufford phone box when it was used as the World's smallest community art gallery (Image: Contributed)

She went on to suggest that other communities could use theirs as a defibrillator hub, book exchange, village history hub, community art gallery, plant distribution hub, seasonal art project, or as a sensory hub

Eyke Parish Council also bought a phone box for £1, currently using theirs to house a defibrillator, with members of the Eyke Millennium Group checking on it regularly.

In Bucklesham, they turned their £1 box into an information hub, using the tourist information logo, and fitting it out with a large OS map of the area with various places pointed out.

Ipswich Star: The AromaphoneThe Aromaphone (Image: Contributed)

The latest phone boxes available to purchase are in Guildhall Street, Bury St Edmunds, Falkenham Road in Kirton, North Street in Sudbury, Market Place in Bildeston, St Helen's Street in Ipswich and North Green in Parham.