A proposal to create 18 commercial units in west Ipswich has been refused by the borough council. 

The plans, submitted to the council by the Norwich-based developer Peter Colby Commercials, suggested building the units on land behind the Elton Park Business Centre in Hadleigh Road. 

No indication as to what the commercial units might have been used for was given in the application

However, Peter Colby Commercial’s website states that it “offers serviced office accommodation, starter units and large warehouses on established industrial estates, urban retail units and a handful of attractive and versatile residential properties.” 

Three rows of six units would have been created on vacant land to the rear of the business centre, and adjacent to the railway line between Ipswich and Needham Market. 

Ipswich Star: Plans suggest that the vacant parcel of land in Hadleigh Road has been unused for several years. Image: Google MapsPlans suggest that the vacant parcel of land in Hadleigh Road has been unused for several years. Image: Google Maps (Image: Google Maps)

The application proposed creating a car park with capacity for 118 cars, as well as cycle storage for 18 bicycles. 

A design and access statement prepared by Wilkinson Planning stated that "the appropriateness of the proposal is entirely in sync with the area, and will provide an outstanding commercial design response".

However, Ipswich Borough Council rejected the plans at a meeting on Wednesday. 

In a notice explaining its decision, the council said that “inadequate details” of the surface water drainage and the existing value of the site in terms of biodoversity had been supplied. 

The council also said it expected “parking to be fully integrated into the design of the scheme to provide secure and convenient facilities and create a safe and attractive environment”. 

The council continued: “Only limited landscaping is proposed as part of the layout and design, with the development dominated by vehicle parking areas with little relief.” 

The council has therefore refused permission for the 18 commercial units to be built.