Presenters at a new radio station dedicated to Suffolk are celebrating after a successful launch party saw more than 100 supporters flock to Felixstowe seafront. 

Suffolk Sound, a new county station based in the seaside town, took to the airwaves from 12pm on Saturday, July 15, and co-founder Rob Dunger said the day was a "brilliant success". 

"We sort of threw our schedule out of the window because we wanted it to be a bit of a party," he said.

"It was just good spontaneous fun. It's everything I have planned for and a lot more. I was hoping for a nice, gentle radio station and it has turned into a big beast." 

The station now has more than 20 presenters, including Mark Murphy, who left BBC Radio Suffolk earlier this year, and Stephen 'Foz' Foster.

Ipswich Star: Rob Dunger, Mark Murphy and Stephen 'Foz' Foster are among the presentersRob Dunger, Mark Murphy and Stephen 'Foz' Foster are among the presenters (Image: Suffolk Sound)

Mr Murphy, a long-time BBC presenter and founder of Suffolk Day, will host the Saturday breakfast show every week. 

Mr Dunger said he hopes the station can shine a light on the more under-represented parts of the county. 

"We felt there was a gap in the radio world where people weren't happy, where things were being taken away and where we're losing part of our Suffolk identity," he said.

"We wanted to talk about places like Tattingstone and Hollesley and Long Melford that get missed out.

"It's going to be tough for us because we are based in Felixstowe, but our presenters are full of enthusiasm."

The radio station is an online service playing music from the '70s, '80s and '90s.

It is a non-profit organisation, and Mr Dunger said he hopes Suffolk Sound will achieve charity status in the coming weeks.

Of the response from listeners, Mr Dunger said: "They keep saying 'we've got back what we lost and what we have been missing - a radio station that cares about what we've been doing.'"