One of the most important surviving links with Thomas Wolsey arrives in Ipswich this week to be the centrepiece of an exhibition at The Hold.

The arrival of his Cardinal's hat is the latest highlight of the Wolsey 550 celebrations - marking the anniversary of his birth in Ipswich.

The hat has a fascinating story - and is normally on display at Christ Church in Oxford - the college founded by Wolsey at the same time as he was building one in Ipswich.

Ipswich Star: Wolsey's hat is normally on display in the library at Christ Church in Oxford.Wolsey's hat is normally on display in the library at Christ Church in Oxford. (Image: Christ Church, Oxford)

The hat is a gelaro that is worn by cardinals - and was given to him by the Pope in 1518, three years after he became a Cardinal.

When it arrived in London there was a huge procession and the hat itself had its own carriage.

This time a replica of the hat is due to arrive in Ipswich on the Orwell Lady at noon on Thursday before the real thing goes on display at The Hold on Friday.

The exhibition showing aspects of Wolsey's life will run until the end of October.

Wolsey’s hat is on loan from Christ Church in Oxford, where it is usually kept in the college library, which is not normally open to the public. 

Terry Hunt, Wolsey 550 project chair, said: “We are really excited about the hat coming to Ipswich.

"It is rarely lent for display, and this is the first time it has ever visited Wolsey’s hometown.

"It is a fantastic opportunity for people from Ipswich, Suffolk and much further afield to see this unique symbol of Wolsey’s amazing story. We are very grateful to Christ Church for the generous loan.” 

The exhibition is a key part of the Wolsey 550 project, and has been made possible by the National Lottery Heritage Fund, Ipswich Central, Ipswich Borough Council, and curated by the exhibitions team at The Hold.

Displays will explore the legacy of Wolsey, re-connecting him with his hometown and examining his position on the world stage.