Suffolk's £1.4 million share of the government's Safer Streets funding will see a crackdown on anti-social behaviour, theft and violence against women and girls.

The Home Office has announced an additional £60million to be allocated to every police force in the country.

Though each force will receive an equal portion of this figure, as a smaller force, Suffolk Constabulary's £1.4 million share will constitute a bigger percentage of their budget.

Similar to previous rounds of funding, the focus will be on interventions targeting anti-social behaviour, violence against women and girls and acquisitive crime, like theft, robbery and shoplifting.

Ipswich Star: Suffolk's police and crime commissioner Tim Passmore must submit his proposals for how the £1.4 million will be spent by Tuesday, August 29.Suffolk's police and crime commissioner Tim Passmore must submit his proposals for how the £1.4 million will be spent by Tuesday, August 29. (Image: Newsquest)

Now the move has been announced, Suffolk's police and crime commissioner Tim Passmore must submit his proposals for how the £1.4 million will be spent by Tuesday, August 29.

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As long as these proposals meet the requirements of the Safer Streets Fund, delivery of these as yet unannounced projects will be expected to begin in October this year and finish up no later than March 2025.