The jury in the case of two men accused of stealing beauty products and toiletries worth £1,400 from an Ipswich supermarket has retired for deliberations. 

Gerard McDonagh, 20, of Uplands Road, Romford, and John McDonagh, 23, of Pembury Road, London, stand accused of stealing items from Sainsbury’s at Warren Heath in Ipswich in May 2021. 

UPDATE: Men guilty of Sainsbury's theft

The court heard the pair were spotted on CCTV placing products in their rucksacks in a shopping trolley by security staff, who went to confront them.

Ipswich Star: The jury in the case of Gerard McDonagh and John McDonagh have retiredThe jury in the case of Gerard McDonagh and John McDonagh have retired (Image: Archant)

When approached, they had allegedly left the store and had run down the side of the building towards Felixstowe Road, Ipswich Crown Court heard.

As they ran off, they had discarded their rucksacks in bushes and were both detained shortly afterwards by police, said Charles Judge, prosecuting.

He said the 60 items the men were allegedly seen putting into rucksacks were valued at £1,400.

The pair deny the charges and said they never meant to leave the shop without paying for the items and claimed they only placed them in the rucksack to check they would fit.

They said they were trying to buy the items on discount to sell for a profit at a car boot sale, and that they had intended to set up Apple Pay on their phone while in the store so they could pay for the goods, but were unable to do so. 

READ MORE: Men deny theft at Ipswich Warren Heath Sainsbury's store

They claimed that they fled the shop as they were scared of the store detective whom they said was shouting at them and would not identify himself, which the staff member denies. 

The court heard that after their arrest the men had not given their real names and declined to answered questions about the alleged offence.

The pair told the court this was due to their solicitor advising them to give 'no comment' answers. 

The trial continues.