An award-winning author visited a primary school near Ipswich after a charity announced its winners for a competition which had over a thousand entries.

Author Anthony Horowitz, CBE, who lives in Orford, visited Cedarwood Primary School in Kesgrave for a special prize-giving assembly, and to meet the winner of the competition.

The team at Home-Start in Suffolk ran its third Character Creations Competition, which saw thousands of entries submitted.

Children had to create a character to fit into Stink the Sloth, a book written by Suffolk-based author Rob Parker for those in Nursery to Year 2.

Children in years 3-6 had to create a new client seeking help from the two detectives in Anthony Horowitz's Diamond Brother series.

Ipswich Star: Anthony Horowitz at Cedarwood Primary School. Credit: Ali WatsonAnthony Horowitz at Cedarwood Primary School. Credit: Ali Watson (Image: Ali Watson)

The winner, year 6 student Olivia Lu, was presented her prize by the Foyle's War writer on Monday, June 19.

Mr Horowitz said: "I am thrilled to have been part of this wonderful competition again this year, and it is truly remarkable to see such a huge number of schools and children taking part, creating such imaginative character creations, all whilst supporting my favourite Suffolk charity, Home-Start in Suffolk.

"I am so pleased I was able to be there to present Olivia with her prize.

Ipswich Star: Olivia, the winner of the Key Stage 2 competition, reading one of Anthony Horowitz's books. Credit: Ali WatsonOlivia, the winner of the Key Stage 2 competition, reading one of Anthony Horowitz's books. Credit: Ali Watson (Image: Ali Watson)

"Congratulations to her and everyone who has taken part."

Mr Horowitz is one of Home-Start in Suffolk's patrons.

Rob Parker, author of Stink the Sloth, is scheduled to visit St Gregory's Primary School to meet the Key Stage 1 winner, Verity Moon.

Ipswich Star: Anthony Horowitz speaking at the school. Credit: Ali WatsonAnthony Horowitz speaking at the school. Credit: Ali Watson (Image: Ali Watson)

Mr Parker said: "It was an absolute privilege to be part of this wonderful project to encourage a love of reading and creativity in primary school age children."

Ali Watson, fundraising and marketing manager at Home-Start in Suffolk, said: "There were some fabulous entries and it was so difficult for the judges to decide.

"The children really did an amazing job.

"We were overwhelmed by the level of entries and have been thrilled by the engagement from local primary schools and home schoolers too."

Ipswich Star: The prize the winner won. Credit: Ali WatsonThe prize the winner won. Credit: Ali Watson (Image: Ali Watson)

Ipswich Star: The two winning entries, with the winning Key Stage 1 entry on the left, and the Key Stage 2 entry on the right. Credit: Ali WatsonThe two winning entries, with the winning Key Stage 1 entry on the left, and the Key Stage 2 entry on the right. Credit: Ali Watson (Image: Ali Watson)