Traditionally, crystal is the theme to celebrate a 15th wedding anniversary, however, one Ipswich man has gone unconventional with his gift for his wife...a flashmob outside a train station.

On anniversaries, Jason Ward likes to prank his wife, Karen, to celebrate the occasion, previously wrapping her car in tin foil while she was at work.

This year, however, a group of around 25 dancers ranging from ages nine to seventeen from Starz Performing Arts Academy performed a six-minute long flashmob as she got off the train from work at Ipswich train station.

Ipswich Star: Karen Ward was treated to a flashmob as she emerged from the train station. Credit: Charlotte BondKaren Ward was treated to a flashmob as she emerged from the train station. Credit: Charlotte Bond (Image: Charlotte Bond)

Ipswich Star: Karen Ward was treated to a flashmob as she emerged from the train station. Credit: Charlotte BondKaren Ward was treated to a flashmob as she emerged from the train station. Credit: Charlotte Bond (Image: Charlotte Bond)

Featuring songs that mean a lot to the couple, the dancers performed hits such as Never Gonna Give You Up, Dancing Queen, and The Time of My Life from Karen's favourite film, Dirty Dancing.

Jason, who arranged it all, said: "She's my best friend.

"She works really hard, is an amazing mum to our son Arthur, and I am very proud of her.

Ipswich Star: Dancers during the flashmob. Credit: Charlotte BondDancers during the flashmob. Credit: Charlotte Bond (Image: Charlotte Bond)

Ipswich Star: Dancers during the flashmob. Credit: Charlotte BondDancers during the flashmob. Credit: Charlotte Bond (Image: Charlotte Bond)

"However, if there is a prank to be had, I am there, I want in."

After the dance, Karen said: "He has done some crazy things in his time but wow.

"He must have been planning this for ages, and I was wondering why he was asking me to write a list of my favourite songs, he said he was going to make me a playlist.

Ipswich Star: Dancers during the flashmob. Credit: Charlotte BondDancers during the flashmob. Credit: Charlotte Bond (Image: Charlotte Bond)

Ipswich Star: Karen reacting to the dancers. Credit: Charlotte BondKaren reacting to the dancers. Credit: Charlotte Bond (Image: Charlotte Bond)

"It was amazing."

Jason continued: "The dance group have done a brilliant job and it's great to see youngsters so happy, getting involved.

"It went very well."

Ipswich Star: Karen, Jason, their son Arthur, and all the dancers. Credit: Charlotte BondKaren, Jason, their son Arthur, and all the dancers. Credit: Charlotte Bond (Image: Charlotte Bond)

Ipswich Star: Karen's reaction. Credit: Charlotte BondKaren's reaction. Credit: Charlotte Bond (Image: Charlotte Bond)

Aimee Morris-Sanders at Starz Performing Arts Academy, said: "Jason is a friend and he came to me a couple of months ago and sent a load of songs over, and told me about it.

"I thought yep, let's do it.

"We have been rehearsing for around a month now and it went really well."

Ipswich Star: Dancers during the performance. Credit: Charlotte BondDancers during the performance. Credit: Charlotte Bond (Image: Charlotte Bond)

Ipswich Star: Some of the dancers before surprising Karen at Ipswich Train Station. Credit: Charlotte BondSome of the dancers before surprising Karen at Ipswich Train Station. Credit: Charlotte Bond (Image: Charlotte Bond)