"I know he would have been so proud."

These are the words of the sister who was able to hold her brother's funeral after an outpouring of support from the community.

The family of Andrew Billman, who was found dead in Great Blakenham last month, has thanked everyone who donated to raise the costs of his funeral arrangements.

The JustGiving page raised £850, allowing the Billman family to move him from hospital and hold a service for him on Friday, April 21.

It was organised with the help of Felixstowe-based Smith Family Funeral Service, which reduced its costs to support the family.

The service took place at The Golden Hind pub in Nacton Road in Ipswich, with the business offering the venue free of charge.

Mr Billman's sister, Tia Billman, said: "It was amazing. It was really sad but a nice send-off for him. It went as good as it could have done. I know he would have been so proud.

"We are so grateful for everyone and grateful to The Hind, and would like to say thank you to the funeral directors, too. It would not have happened without any of their help.

"Losing a sibling is so painful, especially when you have lost your parents. It doesn't seem real still."

Ms Billman described her brother as someone who "would brighten anyone's day".

She added: "He had a heart of gold. He was the kindest, most generous person. My children adored him."

Mr Billman was found dead outside a house in Great Blakenham, the town in which he lived, the day after his 39th birthday. 

He was discovered at an address in Aspen Close in the early hours of March 24.

Ms Billman added that the inquest has not yet taken place, and so the official cause of death has not been determined.