A boarded-up entrance to flats within Cardinal Lofts occurred with "no warning" say residents trying to access their homes to collect belongings.

They said that the doorway leading to the flats located on the fifth floor is boarded up via two padlocks.  

The residents say they were not warned that this would happen and are looking for an explanation from the freeholder. 

Ipswich Star: The entrance to the fifth floor has been boarded up, Ipswich CladiatorsThe entrance to the fifth floor has been boarded up, Ipswich Cladiators (Image: Ipswich Cladiators)

A Grey GR spokesman said: “While there is a prohibition notice in force, we have a duty of care to ensure the building is unoccupied and we urge all residents to comply with the notice to ensure their safety.  

“In the meantime, residents and leaseholders are able to access their property by pre-arrangement with Principle, the managing agents, to collect belongings. 

“While the prohibition notice remains in place and residents are out of their homes, we are ensuring they are rehoused in longer term accommodation that suits their needs, with costs – including the movement or storage of belongings and furniture – covered by Grey.” 

The freeholder also confirmed that Grey GR will be refunding leaseholders for ground rent, service charge and insurance costs for 2023. 

Ipswich Cladiators spokesman, Alex Dickin, said: “Grey GR has failed to recognise the real-life impact of blocking access to floor five, with no warning and no timescale for access to be returned.  

Ipswich Star: Alex Dickin lives in Cardinal Lofts and is the founder of Ipswich Cladiators, Charlotte BondAlex Dickin lives in Cardinal Lofts and is the founder of Ipswich Cladiators, Charlotte Bond (Image: Charlotte Bond)

He disputed residents were being able to access their flats and was "another example of how Grey GR is unable to ethically manage the crisis at Cardinal Lofts".  

Mr Dickins added: “We are relieved that Grey GR has finally confirmed that our ground rent, service charge and insurance costs will be refunded for 2023.  

“Unfortunately, many financial questions remain, including who’s going to pay to fix Cardinal, who’s going to cover the cost of the lost rental income and to compensate leaseholders and residents for the mental trauma we have been put through. 

Ipswich Star: The entrance to the fifth floor has been boarded up, Ipswich CladiatorsThe entrance to the fifth floor has been boarded up, Ipswich Cladiators (Image: Ipswich Cladiators)

“The answer to all three questions should be Railpen, the £37 billion pension fund which owns the shell company, Grey GR.”