The freeholder of Cardinal Lofts have said "it is crucial that residents understand the risk to their safety,” after some residents refused to leave their homes.

On February 21 Grey GR asked the residents of Cardinal Lofts in Foundary Lane to move to a temporary accommodation as the building was deemed "no longer safe for occupation".

A small number of residents refused to leave or came back from temporary accommodation as they were uncomfortable abandoning their homes.

A spokesperson for Grey GR said: “We are aware that some residents have left the temporary accommodation that we had organised for them, to return to Cardinal Lofts.

“It is crucial that residents understand the risk to their safety, and we strongly encourage all residents to comply with the evacuation requirements.

“We understand this is a distressing time for residents, however the decision was made in the best interests and safety of residents and was not made lightly.

“This building is extremely complex, and the project plan involves a vast number of contractors and we are working with them ahead of beginning works, with the aim of being able to return residents to safer homes as soon as possible.”

The freeholder added that the provisional accommodation is only a “short-term measure” as the hotels are booked for them until March 13.

Grey GR is now working on securing apartments for all residents and continues to provide regular updates for the leaseholders.

On Friday, a letter – which has been seen by this newspaper – was sent to remaining residents of eight flats at Cardinal Lofts claiming that "should residents refuse to evacuate, Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service will issue a Prohibition Order on the entire building".

A spokesman for Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service denied this claim.

The residents said that their families were put under “unbelievable” stress during the immediate evacuation.