A Suffolk group of neurodivergent artists is set to perform a drag show in London this week.

Neurdelicious is dedicated to giving neurodivergent artists the space and opportunity to perform.

The group showcases the talent of performers with all kinds of neurodiversity, including those with autism, ADHD, OCD, Tourette’s, dyslexia and dyspraxia.

Its founder, Hannah Aria from Ipswich, said that the group grew out of a need to find somewhere to showcase her art which was accommodating of her chronic fatigue syndrome.

Ipswich Star: Hannah Aria is the founder of Neurodelicious. Credit: Hannah AriaHannah Aria is the founder of Neurodelicious. Credit: Hannah Aria (Image: Hannah Aria)

Ipswich Star: Jonathon Prestney, performing as Jonny Valentine, is the group's artistic director. Credit: Jonathan PrestneyJonathon Prestney, performing as Jonny Valentine, is the group's artistic director. Credit: Jonathan Prestney (Image: Jonathan Prestney)

Ipswich Star: Matt Hunt will be performing as Kenzie Blackheart. Credit: Matt HuntMatt Hunt will be performing as Kenzie Blackheart. Credit: Matt Hunt (Image: Matt Hunt)

Ipswich Star: Flick the Drag Queen will also performing with the group this week. Credit: Corrine CummingsFlick the Drag Queen will also performing with the group this week. Credit: Corrine Cummings (Image: Corrine Cummings)

“I found it really difficult to integrate into mainstream theatre when I had these adjustments, which are reasonable but when people are not used to accommodating reasonable adjustments, they think you’re being a diva,” she explained.

“People are just not used to accommodating reasonable adjustments.”

And so, Neurodelicious was born, with the aim not just accommodating but celebrating uniqueness and neurodiversity of each artist.

Having secured £30k funding from the Arts Council, the group is now set to perform ‘Neurodelicious Does Drag’ at VAULT Festival Leake Street in London this week.

Ipswich Star: Carla Keen performing as Max Velocity. Credit: Carla KeenCarla Keen performing as Max Velocity. Credit: Carla Keen (Image: Carla Keen)

Carla Keen (aka “Max Velocity”) added: “I feel that often as artists, especially neurodivergent ones, we become fixated on the ‘right’ way to do something.

“The joy of Neurodelicious is that it is creating space to say, 'Here is another way,' and I feel that’s where genuine creativity and innovation can happen, opening up a new world of art for audiences.”

Ipswich Star: Hayley Russell performing as Tinderella. Credit: Hayley RussellHayley Russell performing as Tinderella. Credit: Hayley Russell (Image: Hayley Russell)

Hayley Russell (aka “Tinderella”) said: “Neurodelicious has opened up a yummy new way of approaching theatre, and making it widely accessible. This process has been creative with no limits, allowing artists to reach new potential within themselves.

“I am thrilled to be working with such a diverse cast and bringing joy to hearts on and off the stage.”

To buy tickets, visit: www.vaultfestival.com/events/neurodelicious