A Suffolk man accused of raping a woman and taking naked photos of her after she had been on a night out in Ipswich has been convicted by a jury.

Before Ipswich Crown Court on Monday (February 6) was 31-year-old James Mackenzie of Kelsale.

He had denied orally raping the woman in December 2018 but was found guilty by a jury by a 10-2 majority verdict after a trial.

Judge Emma Peters remanded Mackenzie in custody until his sentencing hearing on March 3.

The court heard that the woman got into bed in a house in Ipswich wearing the jumpsuit she’d been out in and became aware of Mackenzie removing her clothing.

Mackenzie had then removed his own clothes and had orally raped her, the trial heard. 

“She was tired and wanted nothing but to go to sleep. She certainly didn’t want sexual relations with him and told him to stop and to get off her,” said Miss Davey.

She said Mackenzie had also taken naked photographs of the woman without her consent.

The photographs were later found on Mackenzie’s phone and he claimed she had been happy for him to take them.

Giving evidence the woman, who’d been drinking on the night of the attack, denied allowing Mackenzie to undress her and having consensual sex with him.

Mackenzie claimed the woman had touched him sexually and denied that she had said “no” and “stop it” when he raped her.

He accepted taking naked pictures of her but denied that she’d been trying to go to sleep at the time.

Cross-examined by prosecution counsel Katherine Davey he denied he was “telling lie after lie” and that he’d taken advantage of her “knowing full well” that she didn’t want him.