A 27-year-old Felixstowe man who carried out a violent physical and sexual assault on a child has been jailed for 13 years.

Sentencing Joshua Marczell, Judge David Pugh said: “It’s difficult to imagine the distress and pain this child must have endured.”

Marczell of Leeward Court, Felixstowe, had denied inflicting grievous bodily harm on the child and sexual assault of a child under 13 but was convicted by a jury in December.

The case was adjourned until Friday (January 20) for a pre-sentence report.

Ipswich Star: Joshua Marczell has been jailedJoshua Marczell has been jailed (Image: Suffolk Constabulary)

During Marczell’s trial the court heard that when the child was taken to hospital it was found to have suffered “fairly horrific“ injuries and a broken arm.

Judge Pugh described Marczell as dangerous and said he posed a high risk of causing serious harm to children by the commission of further offences in the future and imposed an extended licence period of three years.

In addition to jailing Marczell Judge Pugh made him the subject of a sexual harm prevention order until further order and ordered him to sign the sex offenders’ register for the same period.

He also banned him from contacting the victim and his family until further order.