New plans for 15 affordable houses on the site of the former shop units in the Maidenhall area of Ipswich are waiting for approval.

The proposal includes converting the former East of England Co-op store in Prince of Wales Drive into homes, with associated vehicle parking.

The houses would be a mixture of two-bedroom and three-bedroom homes.

The new application concerns adding a bus stop on the site.

The site was most recently used as an Age UK charity furniture shop and a hair salon.

Access to the 22-space car park would be via Aberdale Close, while each house will come with a lockable shed in its garden to provide secure storage space for bikes.

The application refers to the “huge demand” for affordable housing in Ipswich, particularly on sites with sustainable locations, close to facilities and services.

A previous application from 2020 could not be approved until improvements to the adjacent bus stop, including the provision of shelter and alterations to the footpath, had been submitted.