A second coffee van to help a veteran mental health organisation reach more rural areas will be part-funded by a new £14,000 grant.

Combat2Coffee, operates two coffee shops in Northgate Street, Ipswich and Guildhall Street, Bury St Edmunds.

Former army veteran and prison officer Nigel Seaman founded the organisation in 2018 after having the idea during a course combatting stress, following his own post-traumatic stress disorder diagnosis.

"I was shocked as there were some really big organisations in the running," he said.

"It shows that we've got real worth in the community and help the organisation in spreading its wings."

Combat2Coffee came first out of ten regional charities from Suffolk, Norfolk and Cambridgeshire to receive the donation.

Ipswich Star: Nigel Seaman, founder of Combat2Coffee.Nigel Seaman, founder of Combat2Coffee. (Image: CHARLOTTE BOND)

Mr Seaman added: "We are overjoyed to win the vote, the money will make a huge difference to our outreach provision.

"We already have one van in use but are seeing increasing need within rural communities."

A £34,000 grant, courtesy of the Essex Freemasons Community Fund, allowed the organisation to invest in their first van in March last year.

Now, the company will use the £14,000 awarded to them by Denbury Homes to part-fund a second mobile coffee van to support their outreach work.

"We want to have a wider reach in the Suffolk and north Essex area," said Mr Seaman.

"In the current health crisis with the after-effects of lockdown, people are becoming more isolated and don't want to go out.

"We want to extend our reach to support anyone in the community and help change the way they feel."

More than 2,900 votes were cast in the Denbury Charitable Fund Regional Vote, with second place going to family charity Home-Start Norfolk and third to Break, a charity supporting young people in care.

Joshua Hopkins of the Denbury Charitable Fund and land director at Denbury Homes said: "The response from the charities and their supporters has been fantastic and we are delighted that these local causes have received a boost at this time of year.

"Combat2Coffee provides an important service to so many. I look forward to seeing the van once it is ready and hearing more about the impact their service is having on our communities."