Partial evacuation of the Cardinal Lofts flats complex in Ipswich has been extended until January 2024, it has been revealed.

On Thursday, December 15, the residents received a letter confirming that the Fire Risk Assessment (FRA) shows many areas of the building requiring “immediate action” and that the works “could take 12 months to complete”.

It reads: “Over the course of the last four weeks, our contractors have carried out in-depth assessments to gain a deeper understanding of the work and repairs needed to ensure your home is made safer.

“The FRA advises that the top three floors of Cardinal Lofts cannot be resided in until priority work and further investigations are completed.

“The FRA also advised that for floors Ground to 6, the six-person waking watch is to remain in place.

“Based on the latest plans provided by our contractors, the initial work could take 12 months to complete.

“This means residents within flats 120-148 will be out of their home for some time.

“We have currently extended the accommodation for those residents and would like to speak to them directly to understand their family’s needs and ensure accommodation provided is suitable for this period.”

Planned immediate actions at Cardinal Lofts include repair of the venting system, carrying out further in-depth fire risk analysis and undertaking further work within the basement area.

Ipswich MP Tom Hunt said: “I feared this could be the time it would take for these remediation works to be completed.

Ipswich Star: Ipswich MP Tom HuntIpswich MP Tom Hunt (Image: Tom Hunt)

“The fact is though that there is some evidence that suggests that these issues have been known about for approximately two years.

“We should be much further forward than we are. If the moment these issues were known about action was taken, all issues would have been resolved by now.

“I guess the only small crumb of comfort for the residents evacuated is they have a bit more certainty over timescales but even then this is not total certainty by any stretch of the imagination.”

Cardinal Lofts residents were evacuated in the evening on November 15.

A week later they heard that they may not spend Christmas at their homes.

Grey GR spokesperson said: “An updated Fire Risk Assessment (FRA) has now been completed at Cardinal Lofts. The report has been shared with Suffolk Fire & Rescue Service and leaseholders and, based on its findings, we have instructed contractors to start a comprehensive programme of remediation works immediately. 
“This programme is focused on the repair of the smoke ventilation (AOV) system, analysis and remediation of internal fire stops and cavity spaces, as well as further strengthening of structural support in the basement area and updating the broader fire strategy for the building. 
“Our primary focus is the safety of residents and making sure the remediation works progress as quickly as possible. Based on the latest plans provided by our contractors, the initial work could take 12 months to complete.

"We have shared the timeline for the works with leaseholders and will keep them up to date with progress. In alignment with guidance in the FRA, we will continue to provide alternative accommodation for residents on the top three floors and maintain additional safety measures for those remaining until initial works are complete.  
“The FRA has reinforced the urgency with which safety measures need to be implemented and the complexity of the work involved. We have conveyed this urgency and the need for clear communications with our property management partners and this is being actioned as a priority. 
“We continue to communicate directly with leaseholders and with residents where leaseholders have provided us with contact details for them. We continue to ask all leaseholders to share residents’ details so we can support individuals and families directly. We sincerely apologise to all those impacted for the concern and disruption as we work to resolve these issues as quickly as possible.”