A new home will soon be coming to Tacket Street. 

Ipswich Borough Council received an application in June to create a one-bedroom flat out of the first and second floors of 22 Tacket Street. The application has now been approved.

The building was formerly home to Kerseys Opticians, which closed in 2020. However, the site is currently vacant.  

Plans show that the first floor will have a lounge space, bedroom and bathroom. Permission has also been granted for a roof terrace to be created on the first floor.  

Meanwhile, the second floor will become a kitchen and dining area. 

The application form shows that the site currently has one car parking space, which will be retained. 

A heritage statement explained that the site is a Grade II listed building.  

It said: “On the ground floor, there is a modern staircase leading to the first floor. This will be removed so that there is no longer access to the first floor. Access to the first and second floors will be via a steel staircase to be erected at the rear of the property. 

“There will be a small terrace created, as well as a passageway into the property.” 

It concluded: “The impact of this tiny development at the rear should enhance pleasingly the overall aesthetic value of the surrounding buildings.”