The Felixstowe man who taught schoolgirl superstar Nandi Bushell to play the drums said he encourages all his pupils to chase their dreams.

Ashley Howard teaches students ranging from as young as six years old up to their 70s.

When Ashley first started teaching Nandi to play the drums, she was just six.

“Teaching six- and seven-year-olds can be quite tough, because at that age, they develop so differently,” explained Ashley, 40. “But Nandi picked it up really quickly. There was definitely talent there from day one.”

Ipswich Star: Ashley was incredibly proud of Nandi when she was featured on the front page of drumming magazine Modern Drummer - the first child ever to do so.Ashley was incredibly proud of Nandi when she was featured on the front page of drumming magazine Modern Drummer - the first child ever to do so. (Image: Ashley Howard)

At the tender age of 12, Nandi has now played at Wembley, the late Queen’s Platinum Jubilee concert, and at the Foo Fighters tribute concert.

Ashley’s own career has led him to London and then on to America, where he toured around with various bands.

However, when he was Nandi’s age, he had to fight against those who wanted him to stop playing.

“When I was 13, I was playing local shows around Ipswich, but then someone made a complaint about me being too young and getting paid to play,” explained Ashley.

“After that, a lot of musicians were told they couldn’t play in pubs until they were 16.”

Ashley did not take this lying down and, along with Ipswich guitarists Toni Vines, handed a petition to then-Suffolk MP Michael Lord and wrote to Prime Minister Tony Blair.

“It all blew over,” said Ashley. “Then I was about 16 or 17, I was accepted into Drumtech, a drumming school based in West London.

“I was one of the youngest people to be accepted.”

Ipswich Star: Ashley said he was proud of all his students' achievements.Ashley said he was proud of all his students' achievements. (Image: Ashley Howard)

However, Ashley decided to leave after just one year.

“I wanted to play, get experience and go on tour,” he explained. “So, I went off to America when I was 18.”

There, Ashley joined rock band Girl Kicks Boy for three months, before returning to London where he began working as a drum technician for The Libertines.

He then joined an agency, and began touring with various different original bands all over the country.

Now, he helps others recognise their dreams.

“I teach anyone, as long as they work hard and practice,” he said.

He said he is proud of each and every one of his pupils’ achievements.

“One guy I teach has just joined a band, something he has wanted to do his whole life,” he said.

“He’s 70, retired, and absolutely loving it!”

To contact Ashley, email: