POLICE today said an officer had been admonished after highly confidential information was found near a pond where an Ipswich teenager died.

POLICE today said an officer had been admonished after highly confidential information was found near a pond where an Ipswich teenager died.

A three-page crime log containing an informant's name, details of the alleged offence, the suspects' names, their addresses and dates of birth, was discovered on the ground by a member of the public.

The printout was lost by an officer sent to help in the desperate attempt to save Ashley Dorling's life.

The 15-year-old, from Lavender Hill, drowned on Saturday after jumping in the pond in Jovian Way, near the Sproughton Road industrial estate.

Although the loss of the sensitive information was referred to Suffolk Constabulary's professional standards' department no formal disciplinary action has been taken. However the officer involved has been spoken to about the incident.

A spokeswoman for Suffolk Police said: “We are disappointed that this occurred and take breaches of this nature extremely seriously.

“An internal investigation has been conducted to establish how it has happened and to see what lessons can be learned, and the officer involved has been given suitable words of advice

“This outcome is considered reasonable and proportionate given the circumstances.”

The crime log was found around 5pm on Saturday by Michelle Staunton, of Rubens Road, who visited the scene with Ashley's sister.

The 28-year-old said: “It was just on the floor as I was walking past. I noticed it because it was neatly folded and I though it looked important.

“I put it in my pocket and went to my friend's. When I got home I emptied my pocket and read through it. I texted police, but no one got back to me. I rang them as well and told a woman what I had found. It stated the informant's name. I held on the phone for a minute or so but the credit on my mobile ran out.”

Ms Staunton said a lot of people go down to the pond and if anyone else had found the printout it could have put the person who reported the alleged crime in jeopardy.

She added: “I would be upset, angry and scared (if I were them) because you don't know who has found it or where that information has gone. But it is in a safe place now.

Ms Staunton stressed she has not passed on the log's details on to anyone other than The Evening Star, which has now ensured the printout has been returned to police.

The police spokeswoman added: “Suffolk Police would like to thank the member of the public and the Evening Star for facilitating the return of this document to us.”