Ipswich’s Sikh community has planted 550 new trees at Landseer Park to mark the 550th birthday of the religion’s founding father Guru Nanak Dev Ji.

Ipswich Star: Families came together to plant the trees in Landseer Park Picture: SARAH LUCY BROWNFamilies came together to plant the trees in Landseer Park Picture: SARAH LUCY BROWN (Image: Archant)

More than 200 people, including the town's mayor Jan Parry and Labour election candidate Sandy Martin, gathered on Saturday morning, November 9, to plant the new woodland, one of more than 1,800 'Nanak Forests' being created across the globe.

Ipswich Star: Families came together to plant the trees in Landseer Park Picture: SARAH LUCY BROWNFamilies came together to plant the trees in Landseer Park Picture: SARAH LUCY BROWN (Image: Archant)

A spokesman for Guru Nanak Gurdwara Ipswich, said: "It is Guru Nanak Dev Ji's 550th birthday on November 12 so Sikhs across the world are looking to plant 1 million trees in celebration.

Ipswich Star: Families came together to plant the trees in Landseer Park Picture: SARAH LUCY BROWNFamilies came together to plant the trees in Landseer Park Picture: SARAH LUCY BROWN (Image: Archant)

"The big thing for us was getting the kids involved so they could see the trees planted and see them grow - it's something for them to remember.

Ipswich Star: Families came together to plant the trees in Landseer Park Picture: SARAH LUCY BROWNFamilies came together to plant the trees in Landseer Park Picture: SARAH LUCY BROWN (Image: Archant)

"At the moment they are just saplings but we have worked with the Woodland Trust and Ipswich Borough Council to find the right species for it.

Ipswich Star: Families came together to plant the trees in Landseer Park Picture: SARAH LUCY BROWNFamilies came together to plant the trees in Landseer Park Picture: SARAH LUCY BROWN (Image: Archant)

"The trees should see substantial growth on a pretty quick time frame. They should be around 6ft with a year or so.

Ipswich Star: Families came together to plant the trees in Landseer Park Picture: SARAH LUCY BROWNFamilies came together to plant the trees in Landseer Park Picture: SARAH LUCY BROWN (Image: Archant)

"They are all UK native trees. One of the main things we wanted to do also is increase the bee population in the area.

Ipswich Star: Families came together to plant the trees in Landseer Park Picture: SARAH LUCY BROWNFamilies came together to plant the trees in Landseer Park Picture: SARAH LUCY BROWN (Image: Archant)

"We had the Sikh community there, the 4th scout group and lots of our neighbours - it was a really nice event.

Ipswich Star: Families came together to plant the trees in Landseer Park Picture: SARAH LUCY BROWNFamilies came together to plant the trees in Landseer Park Picture: SARAH LUCY BROWN (Image: Archant)

"We would like to thank Edwin van Ek from the Woodland Trust and David Dowding from Ipswich Boruogh Council for their help with the project."

Ipswich Star: Families came together to plant the trees in Landseer Park Picture: SARAH LUCY BROWNFamilies came together to plant the trees in Landseer Park Picture: SARAH LUCY BROWN (Image: Archant)

Ipswich Star: Families came together to plant the trees in Landseer Park Picture: SARAH LUCY BROWNFamilies came together to plant the trees in Landseer Park Picture: SARAH LUCY BROWN (Image: Archant)

Ipswich Star: Families came together to plant the trees in Landseer Park Picture: SARAH LUCY BROWNFamilies came together to plant the trees in Landseer Park Picture: SARAH LUCY BROWN (Image: Archant)

Ipswich Star: Families came together to plant the trees in Landseer Park Picture: SARAH LUCY BROWNFamilies came together to plant the trees in Landseer Park Picture: SARAH LUCY BROWN (Image: Archant)

Ipswich Star: Families came together to plant the trees in Landseer Park Picture: SARAH LUCY BROWNFamilies came together to plant the trees in Landseer Park Picture: SARAH LUCY BROWN (Image: Archant)

Ipswich Star: Families came together to plant the trees in Landseer Park Picture: SARAH LUCY BROWNFamilies came together to plant the trees in Landseer Park Picture: SARAH LUCY BROWN (Image: Archant)

Ipswich Star: Families came together to plant the trees in Landseer Park Picture: SARAH LUCY BROWNFamilies came together to plant the trees in Landseer Park Picture: SARAH LUCY BROWN (Image: Archant)

Ipswich Star: Families came together to plant the trees in Landseer Park Picture: SARAH LUCY BROWNFamilies came together to plant the trees in Landseer Park Picture: SARAH LUCY BROWN (Image: Archant)