This is the new foodbank which will play a crucial role in helping those going hungry from poverty in Ipswich survive the most difficult of times.

Ipswich Star: Topping out ceremony for new Ipswich foodbank for FIND. PICTURE: RACHEL EDGETopping out ceremony for new Ipswich foodbank for FIND. PICTURE: RACHEL EDGE (Image: RACHEL EDGE)

Families in Need (FIND) has seen a dramatic rise in the number of people struggling to make ends meet over the past decade, with the recession and the introduction of universal credit only adding to the problems.

As such the charity's current foodbank base in Hines Road is finding it difficult to cope with the ever-rising demand, as the 80 or so volunteers simply do not have enough space to deal with the 100 parcels handed out every week.

So it has launched an ambitious £360,000 project to build a new home in former sports changing rooms adjacent to Gainsborough Sports Centre, which will also be FIND's headquarters.

To do that it needs support by way of donations from the public to make it happen, to ensure the town's most needy don't go hungry in their hour of need.

Ipswich Star: Topping out ceremony for new Ipswich foodbank for FIND. PICTURE: RACHEL EDGETopping out ceremony for new Ipswich foodbank for FIND. PICTURE: RACHEL EDGE (Image: RACHEL EDGE)

And as FIND held a topping out ceremony to mark the completion of the structure of the new building, it seems the community has rallied round - as the charity announced it had reached its £100,000 target of its FIND 50 Lifeline Appeal.

The campaign, voluntarily launched and run by Ipswich-based Genesis PR on a pro bono basis, began in December 2017 as a call for 50 workplaces, schools, groups or individuals to each raise £2,000 towards the costs of funding the new foodbank.

Maureen Reynel, founder of FIND, said: "We are over the moon that the FIND 50 fundraising target has been met through the kindness and generosity of the Suffolk community.

"This ambitious target would not have been achieved without the dedicated work of Genesis PR in creating and running the campaign, and the plethora of businesses, schools, organisations and individuals who fundraised or made donations.

Ipswich Star: Topping out ceremony for new Ipswich foodbank for FIND. PICTURE: RACHEL EDGETopping out ceremony for new Ipswich foodbank for FIND. PICTURE: RACHEL EDGE (Image: RACHEL EDGE)

"Our next fundraising campaign will be launched in the near future."

Penny Arbuthnot, director of Genesis, said: "We orchestrated this ambitious campaign because without FIND, many children and adults would simply go hungry.

"We had to help in some way and the support from the Suffolk community has been outstanding. Thank you to everyone who rose to the challenge and has helped us reach this target."

For more information about FIND and how you can donate, visit