An Ipswich man waited outside his ex-partner’s workplace after sending a photo of the knife with which he threatened to stab her.

David Chamberlain was handed a suspended jail spell on Wednesday for threatening to kill his former partner last July.

Prosecutor Michael Crimp said Chamberlain had been drunk and preoccupied with recovering money from the woman.

“He began ranting about money during an abusive course of communication,” said Mr Crimp.

In a series of texts, the 29-year-old, of Haslemere Drive, threatened to stab the woman outside work and sent a photo of a knife with the message: “That’s what I would use.”

Mr Crimp said: “True to his threat, he was outside when she left work that evening.

“Fearing for her safety, she rang police and he was arrested.”

During a police interview, Chamberlain admitted sending the messages while under the influence of drink and preoccupied with recovering the money to pay bills and rent.

He later pleaded guilty to making threats to kill and sending a threatening message before magistrates, but failed to attend a subsequent hearing in December and was remanded in custody until appearing at Ipswich Crown Court court via video link this week.

A probation report said Chamberlain would benefit from attending the ‘Building Better Relationships’ programme as part of a suspended prison sentence.

Judge Rupert Overbury told him: “You were preoccupied with getting the money you were owed.

“When she wouldn’t until you picked up your belongings and returned the key to her property, it incensed you, and you behaved in a way that was quite wrong.

“You don’t have a history of violence, and it may well be right that you had no intention of carrying out your threats, but you put her in fear that you would.

“Her perfectly reasonable approach to the break-up of your relationship infuriated you to the point you made increasingly violent threats – borne out of anger, frustration and drink.”

Chamberlain was handed an 18-month jail term, suspended for two years, with conditions to attend the Building Better Relationships programme and 25 rehabilitation activity requirement days. He will also be subject to a restraining order preventing contact with his victim for the next two years.